Words — 149 found
Common word JLPT N5 Wanikani level 2 Play audio Show 64 collocations Links
- 目が行く - to look toward
- 目が利く - to have an eye for
- 目が高い - having an expert eye
- 目が飛び出る - to be eye-popping
- 目がとまる - to have one's eye caught on something
- 目がない - extremely fond of
- 目が回る - to be dizzy
- 目が出る - to have luck on one's side
- 目が明く - to come to see
- 目が舞う - to feel dizzy
- 目が眩む - to be dizzy
- 目が肥える - to have a good eye (from having seen fine art, etc.)
- 目が見える - to be able to see (oft. used in the negative)
- 目が霞む - to get blurry vision
- 目をかける - to gaze at
- 目をかすめる - to do in secret
- 目をくらます - to deceive
- 目を凝らす - to strain one's eyes
- 目を覚ます - to wake up
- 目を逸らす - to look away
- 目をつける - to have an eye on
- 目を引く - to attract notice
- 目を見張る - to be wide-eyed (in surprise)
- 目を剥く - to open one's eyes wide (in anger, surprise, etc.)
- 目をやる - to look towards
- 目を伏せる - to cast down one's eyes
- 目を光らす - to keep a watchful eye on
- 目を合わせる - to make eye contact
- 目を向ける - to shift one's attention to
- 目を喜ばす - to feast one's eyes (on)
- 目を回す - to faint
- 目を離す - to take one's eyes off
- 目を楽しませる - to be pleasure to the eye
- 目を留める - to take notice (of)
- 目を泳がせる - to avoid meeting someone's gaze
- 目を疑う - to doubt one's own eyes
- 目を盗む - to do something behind someone's back
- 目を細める - to close one's eyes partly
- 目を覆う - to avert one's eyes
- 目を見る - to experience
- 目を輝かす - for one's eyes to gleam
- 目を通す - to scan
- 目を配る - to keep an eye on
- 目を閉じる - to close one's eyes
- 目にあう - to go through
- 目にかかる - to meet (someone of higher status)
- 目にする - to see
- 目に留まる - to catch one's attention
- 目に余る - to be intolerable
- 目に入る - to catch sight of
- 目に染みる - to sting one's eyes
- 目に浮かぶ - to picture
- 目に焼き付ける - to burn into one's memory
- 目に触れる - to catch the eye
- 目のやり場 - place to look (esp. when averting one's eyes)
- 目の付け所 - focus of one's attention
- 目の保養 - feast for one's eyes
- 目の前 - before one's eyes
- 目の正月 - feast for one's eyes
- 目の高い - having an expert eye
- 目が届く - to keep an eye on
- 世間の目 - spotlight
- 潮の目 - point where two ocean currents meet (e.g. a warm current and a cold current)
- 猫の目 - (something) fickle
1. eye; eyeball
- kanojo彼女
- ha
- kireina
- me目
- wo
- shiteiru 。
- heren・kera-
- ha
- me目
- to
- mimi耳
- to
- kuchi口
- ga
- fujiyuu不自由
- datta 。
3. look; stare; gaze; glance
- kare彼
- ha
- suuhai崇拝
- no
- me眼
- de
- kanojo彼女
- wo
- naga眺meta 。
4. notice; attention; observation; eyes (of the world, public, etc.)
5. an experience
6. viewpoint
7. discrimination; discernment; judgement; eye (e.g. for quality)
8. (an) appearance
10. spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh, etc.); opening; stitch; texture; weaveSee also 編み目
11. grain (of wood, paper)
12. eye (of a storm, needle, etc.)
13. intersection (on a go board); square (on a chessboard)
14. dot (on a dice); pip; rolled number
15. graduation; division (of a scale)
16. tooth (of a saw, comb, etc.)
17. ordinal number suffix
- futa2tsu
- me目
- no
- kado角
- wo
- migi右
- ni
- ma曲gari
- nasai 。
眼 【め】
1. eye; eyeball
2. pupil and (dark) iris of the eyeArchaic
3. insight; perceptivity; power of observationArchaic
4. look; field of visionArchaic
5. core; center; centre; essenceArchaic
1. eye
2. insight; vision; power of observation
3. gist; main pointRare term
4. holeRare term
1. glasses; eyeglasses; spectaclesUsually written using kana alone
3. four-eyesUsually written using kana alone, Derogatory
4. Megane
眼鏡 【めがね】
めがね: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
1. eyelidUsually written using kana alone
目蓋 【まぶた】、眼蓋 【まぶた】、瞼 【まなぶた】
まなぶた: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
1. under one's eyes; below one's eyes
1. eye mucus; eye discharge; sleep
目ヤニ 【めやに】、目脂 【めやに】、眼脂 【めやに】
目脂: Rarely-used kanji form. 眼脂: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. to be visible
- menimi目ni見eru
- hoshi星
- no
- kazu数
- ha
- musuu無数
- desu 。
2. to be clear; to be evident; to be certain; to be definite
- jaiantsu
- no
- ma負keru
- no
- ha
- menimi目ni見eteimashita
- kara
- ne 。
眼に見える 【めにみえる】、目にみえる 【めにみえる】、眼にみえる 【めにみえる】
1. very close (to); within a stone's throw (of); a stone's throw away (from)
眼と鼻の先 【めとはなのさき】
眼と鼻の先: Rarely-used kanji form.
1. the eyes; expression of the eyes
2. area around the eyes
目もと 【めもと】、目許 【めもと】
目許: Rarely-used kanji form.