
郵便配達二度 (1946年映画)
Wikipedia definition
1. The Postman Always Rings Twice (film)The Postman Always Rings Twice is a 1946 drama-film noir based on the 1934 novel of the same name by James M. Cain. This adaptation of the novel is the best known, featuring Lana Turner, John Garfield, Cecil Kellaway, Hume Cronyn, Leon Ames, and Audrey Totter. It was directed by Tay Garnett, with a score written by George Bassman and Erich Zeisl (the latter uncredited).
Read “The Postman Always Rings Twice (film)” on English Wikipedia
Read “郵便配達は二度ベルを鳴らす (1946年の映画)” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “The Postman Always Rings Twice (film)” on DBpedia


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