
三四郎 真剣遊戯
Wikipedia definition
1. Segata Sanshirō Shinken YūgiSegata Sanshirō Shinken Yūgi is a Sega Saturn (Japan only) video game based on the television commercials of its lead character, Segata Sanshiro. This game is actually a collection of mini games, each one based on the commercials he starred in, and include side-scrolling platform, memorization, button mashing and puzzle sequences. Successfully completing each one unlocks that given game's commercial for you to watch.
Read “Segata Sanshirō Shinken Yūgi” on English Wikipedia
Read “せがた三四郎 真剣遊戯” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Segata Sanshirō Shinken Yūgi” on DBpedia


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