
三田 (目黒区)
Wikipedia definition
1. Mita, Meguro, TokyoMita, Meguro, Tokyo is a quiet residential district of Meguro, Tokyo, Japan, and, most notably, is home to its landmark Yebisu Garden Place. Distinct from another district Mita, Minato, Tokyo, the district is sometimes referred to as Meguro-Mita. As a part of Yebisu Garden Place, Tokyo Metropolitan Museum of Photography is located in Mita. The district borders Ebisu and Ebisuminami on the north; Kamiōsaki on the east; Meguro on the south and on the west; and Nakameguro on the northwest.
Read “Mita, Meguro, Tokyo” on English Wikipedia
Read “三田 (目黒区)” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Mita, Meguro, Tokyo” on DBpedia


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