
自転車泥棒 (映画)
Wikipedia definition
1. Bicycle ThievesBicycle Thieves (Italian: Ladri di biciclette), also known as The Bicycle Thief, is a 1948 Italian neorealist film directed by Vittorio De Sica. It tells the story of a poor man searching the streets of Rome for his stolen bicycle, which he needs to be able to work. The film is based on the novel of the same name by Luigi Bartolini and was adapted for the screen by Cesare Zavattini. It stars Lamberto Maggiorani as the poor man searching for his lost bicycle and Enzo Staiola as his son.
Read “Bicycle Thieves” on English Wikipedia
Read “自転車泥棒 (映画)” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Bicycle Thieves” on DBpedia


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