

Words — 27 found

1. men and women; man and woman; both sexes; both genders
Other forms
男女 【なんにょ】
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1. masculine woman; mannish woman
2. feminine man; effeminate man
3. intersexual; hermaphroditeSee also 半陰陽
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1. equal rights among men and women
Wikipedia definition
2. Gender equalityGender equality, also known as sex equality or sexual equ... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. co-education; mixed education
Wikipedia definition
2. Mixed-sex educationMixed-sex education, also known as coeducation, is the in... Read more
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. by gender; according to gender; gender-segregated
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だんじょきょうどうさんかくすいしんじょうれい 男女共同参画推進条例
1. bylaw or ordinance for the purpose of implementing gender equality
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1. gender equality; equal rights for both sexes; equality of the sexes
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1. social relations between men and women; mingling between the sexes
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だんじょきょうどうさんかく 男女共同参画
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. gender equality
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. unisex; for use by both men and women
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1. male-female relationships; relations between the sexes; sexual relations
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Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. unisex; usable by both sexes; suitable for both sexes; coed
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みなのがわとうぞう 男女ノ川登三
Full name
1. Minanogawa Touzou, 34th sumo grand champion
Wikipedia definition
2. Minanogawa TōzōMinanogawa Tōzō (男女ノ川 登三, September 17, 1903 - January 20... Read more
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Kanji — 2 found

7 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
Kun: おとこ
On: ダン ナン
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3 strokes. JLPT N5. Jōyō kanji, taught in grade 1.
woman, female
Kun: おんな
On: ジョ ニョ ニョウ
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Sentences — 28 found

  • jreibun/2440/2
    • だんじょきょうがく男女共学
    • の学校が多い。
    Most of the schools in Japan’s compulsory education system are coeducational. Jreibun
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Names — 15 found

みなのがわ 【男女ノ川】
Family or surname
1. Minanogawa
おめのすけ 【男女之助】
Male given name
1. Omenosuke
おめぐら 【男女倉】
1. Omegura
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