

Words — 82 found

1. suburbs in springtime; fields in springtime
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1. spring sludge; spring mud (caused by the melting of the snow); (muddy) slush
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1. gentle spring rain
2. thin noodles made from bean starch (or potato starch)Only applies to はるさめ
Other forms
春雨 【はるさめ】
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1. Chinese Spring Festival travel season; Chunyun period
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2. ChunyunChunyun, also referred to as the Spring Festival travel s... Read more
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1. spring day; spring sunlight
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2. Kasuga
Other forms
春日 【はるひ】春日 【はるび】
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しゅんじゅうようでん 春秋公羊伝
1. Gongyang Zhuan (Chinese classical work); Gongyang Commentary on the Spring and Autumn Annals; Commentary of GongyangWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Gongyang ZhuanThe Gōngyáng Zhuàn is a commentary on the Spring and Autu... Read more
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1. Spring AirlinesCompany name
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2. Spring AirlinesSpring Airlines is a budget airline with its headquarters... Read more
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しゅんじゅうでん 春秋左氏伝
1. Zuo zhuan (c. 4th century BC); The Zuo Tradition; The Commentary of ZuoWork of art, literature, music, etc. name
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2. Zuo ZhuanZuo Zhuan, or Chunqiu Zuo Zhuan, sometimes translated as ... Read more
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しゅんみんあかつきおぼ 春眠暁
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. in spring one sleeps a sleep that knows no dawn; in spring one sleeps like a logProverb, from a Meng Haoran poem
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. a moment of time in a spring evening (is worth a thousand pieces of gold)Yojijukugo (four character compound)
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1. spring outingRare term
Other forms
春游 【しゅんゆう】
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しゅんしょういっこくあたいせんきん 春宵一刻値千金
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. a moment of time in a spring evening is worth a thousand pieces of goldProverb, See also 春宵一刻
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