

Words — 1 found

Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. any; anything; whatever; whatever one likes; everything; allUsually written using kana alone
Adverb (fukushi)
2. I am told; I hear; I understand; they sayUsually written using kana alone, at start of sentence
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Sentences — 272 found

  • jreibun/2407/1
    • きゅうたいいぜん旧態依然
    • と言われるかもしれないが、私は外国語を学ぶ時、単語の意味は辞書のページをめくって確認している。そのほうが記憶に残るような気がするからだ。
    Although this may seem old-fashioned in the Internet age, I check the meaning of foreign words by physically turning the pages of a dictionary. I feel that this old-fashioned way of learning a foreign language helps me remember the meaning of words more clearly. Jreibun
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