
Wikipedia definition
1. Atlético Petróleos LuandaAtlético Petróleos de Luanda, usually known as Petro Atlético Luanda, or simply Petro Atlético or Petro de Luanda, is a traditional football club from Luanda, Angola, founded in 1980. The club won its first title, the Angolan League, in 1982. Four players from Petro Atlético represented Angola at their first World Cup in 2006: Lebo Lebo, Lamá, Zé Kalanga and Delgado. The club has also a basketball team.
Read “Atlético Petróleos Luanda” on English Wikipedia
Read “アトレティコ・ペトロレオス・デ・ルアンダ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Atlético Petróleos Luanda” on DBpedia


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