
1. fermented tofu; furuFood, cooking, See also 豆腐乳
Wikipedia definition
2. Fermented bean curdFermented bean curd also called sufu, fermented tofu, tofu cheese, or preserved tofu is a form of processed, preserved tofu used in East Asian cuisine as a condiment made from soybeans. The ingredients typically are soybeans, salt, rice wine and sesame oil or vinegar, and are sold in jars containing blocks 2- to 4-cm square by 1 to 2 cm thick soaked in brine with select flavorings.
Read “Fermented bean curd” on English Wikipedia
Read “腐乳” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Fermented bean curd” on DBpedia
Other forms
腐乳 【フールー】腐乳 【フウルウ】


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