
1. gomasio; gomashio; roasted sesame seed and salt mixture
2. salt-and-pepper hair; dark hair streaked with gray
Wikipedia definition
3. GomashioGomashio is a dry condiment, similar to furikake, made from unhulled sesame seeds (ごま, goma) and salt. It is often used in Japanese cuisine, such as a topping for sekihan. It is also sometimes sprinkled over plain rice or over an onigiri. Some commercially sold gomashio also has sugar mixed in with the salt. The sesame seeds used to make gomashio may be either tan or black in color. They are toasted before being mixed together with the salt. Occasionally the salt is also toasted.
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Read “胡麻塩” on Japanese Wikipedia
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Other forms
胡麻塩 【ごましお】ゴマ塩 【ゴマしお】


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