
はいどうみゃくべんきょうさくしょう 肺動脈弁狭窄症
1. pulmonary valve stenosis
Wikipedia definition
2. Pulmonary valve stenosisPulmonary valve stenosis is a heart valve disorder in which outflow of blood from the right ventricle of the heart is obstructed at the level of the pulmonic valve. This results in the reduction of flow of blood to the lungs. Valvular pulmonic stenosis accounts for 80% of right ventricular outflow tract obstruction. While the most common cause of pulmonary valve stenosis is congenital heart disease, it may also be due to rheumatic heart disease or a malignant carcinoid tumor.
Read “Pulmonary valve stenosis” on English Wikipedia
Read “肺動脈弁狭窄症” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Pulmonary valve stenosis” on DBpedia


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