

Words — 14 found

1. third party; third person; outsider; disinterested person
Wikipedia definition
2. Third-party beneficiaryA third party beneficiary, in the law of contracts, is a ... Read more
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1. third party
Wikipedia definition
2. Video game development partyA video game development party can be one of two parties:... Read more
Other forms
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1. outfieldBaseball, See also 内野 ないや
2. outfielderBaseball, Abbreviation, See also 外野手 がいやしゅ
3. outfield bleachersBaseball, Abbreviation, See also 外野席
4. third party; outsider; onlooker; bystander
Wikipedia definition
5. OutfieldThe outfield is a sporting term used in cricket and baseb... Read more
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. involving only the parties concerned; tete-a-tete
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1. outsiders; another person; other people; third partyPolite (teineigo) language
Other forms
他所様 【よそさま】余所様 【よそさま】
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1. after-afterparty; third party of the night
Other forms
3次会 【さんじかい】
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だいさんしゃけいやく 第三者契約
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. third party beneficiary contractLaw
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ぜんだいさんしゃ 善意第三者
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. bona fide third party; bona fide third personLaw
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1. advance payment on behalf of a third party (with expectation that it will be reimbursed)
Other forms
立替払い 【たてかえばらい】立替え払い 【たてかえばらい】
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1. humble language in which the listener (or a third party) is the indirect object of an action (or the recipient of an object, etc.)See also 謙譲語II
Other forms
謙譲語1 【けんじょうごいち】
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けんじょう 謙譲語
1. humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener (or a third party); humble language used as a courtesySee also 謙譲語I
Other forms
謙譲語2 【けんじょうごに】
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1. courteous language (i.e. humble language in which an action or object is not directed toward the listener or a third party)See also 謙譲語II
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. (of a third party) to profit from others fightingVideo games, Slang, See also 漁夫の利
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Sentences — 3 found

  • 112766
    • かれ
    • その
    • じこ事故
    • には
    • かんけい関係
    • ありません
    He is a third party to the accident. Tatoeba
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