Words — 92 found
1. to trap (into a difficult situation); to put (in a fix); to throw (e.g. into turmoil); to trick (into doing); to lure (into a trap); to frame (for a crime)usu. 陥れる
- やつ奴
- が
- おれ俺
- を
- わな
- に
- はめて
- スキャンダル
- に
- おとしいれた 。
2. to capture (a castle, fortress, etc.); to take; to reduceusu. 陥れる
3. to drop (something) intoorig. meaning; usu. 落とし入れる
- この
- むげん無限の
- くうかん空間
- に
- ただよ漂う
- えいえん永遠の
- ちんもく沈黙
- が
- わたし私
- を
- きょうふ恐怖
- に
- おとしい陥れる 。
落とし入れる 【おとしいれる】、落し入れる 【おとしいれる】、おとし入れる 【おとしいれる】
1. to catch (a wild animal or fish); to capture; to hunt
2. to win (a title, prize, etc.); to conquer
- かのじょ彼女
- は
- スピーチ
- コンテスト
- で
- いっとうしょう1等賞
- を
- と獲った 。
1. (your) business; (your) concern; (your) needHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
2. (customer's) orderHonorific or respectful (sonkeigo) language
3. official business (of the government, Imperial Court, etc.)
4. arrest; capture
ご用 【ごよう】
1. to capture; to seize; to plunder; to steal; to snatch; to grabUsually written using kana alone
分捕る: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
1. to take by storm (e.g. a castle); to assault; to capture; to reduce
攻め落す 【せめおとす】
1. to pull out; to draw out; to extract; to unplug; to weed
- はいしゃ歯医者
- に
- い行って
- その
- は歯
- を
- ぬ抜いて
- もらった
- 方がよい
- です
- ね 。
2. to omit; to leave out; to go without; to skip
- たまに
- あさめし朝飯
- を
- ぬ抜いた
- って 、
- べつ別に
- わる悪い
- こと
- じゃない
- よ 。
3. to do to the end; to do thoroughly; to do completely; to do severelyafter the -masu stem of a verb
- さいご最後まで
- たたか戦い
- ぬ抜こう 。
4. to let out (e.g. air from a tyre); to drain (e.g. water from a bath); to empty
5. to pick out; to choose; to select; to extract
6. to pilfer; to steal
7. to remove; to get rid of; to take out
8. to pass; to overtake; to outstrip; to get ahead of
- かれ彼
- は
- ついに
- クラス
- の
- ほか他の
- もの者
- を
- ぬ抜いた 。
9. to pierce; to break through; to go throughalso written 貫く
10. to cut out (a shape); to create (a pattern) by dying the surrounding area
11. to seize; to capture; to reduce
12. to scoop (a story)
13. to take out (an opponent's stones; in go)
14. to masturbate (of a male); to ejaculate (while masturbating)Slang, Vulgar expression or word
15. to take (a photo); to record (video)Slang
1. to capture alive; to catch alive; to take prisoner
生捕る 【いけどる】
生捕る: Irregular okurigana usage.
1. to arrest; to capture; to seize
引っ捕らえる 【ひっとらえる】、ひっ捕える 【ひっとらえる】、引っ捕える 【ひっとらえる】
1. to hang; to suspend; to wear (e.g. decoration)
2. to lower; to reduce; to bring down
3. to demote; to move back; to pull back
4. to clear (plates); to remove (food, etc. from table or altar)
5. to keep on playing after one has formed a scoring combination with captured cardsHanafuda, See also 出来役
1. hit
2. success
3. guess; prediction
4. affability; friendliness
5. sensation; touch
6. bruise (on fruit)
7. situation in which a stone or chain of stones may be captured on the next moveGo (game)
9. per; each
- その
- げんざい現在
- けんせつちゅう建設中
- の
- こうじょう工場
- は 、
- いちにち一日
- あ当たり 3000
- だい台
- の
- ビデオデッキ
- を
- くみたて組み立てられる 。
当り 【あたり】、中り 【あたり】、中たり 【あたり】
中り: Rarely-used kanji form. 中たり: Rarely-used kanji form.