

Searched for *あい. No matches for 昹 あい. You can also try a search for "昹 あい #words".

Words — 492 found

えんきょれんあい 遠距離恋愛
1. long distance relationship
Wikipedia definition
2. Long-distance relationshipA long-distance relationship (LDR) is typically an intima... Read more
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1. relationship; connection; involvement; entanglement; implication (e.g. in a crime)
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係わり合い 【かかわりあい】関り合い 【かかわりあい】
関り合い: Irregular okurigana usage.
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おおあい 場合
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. in many cases
  • これ
  • おおくのばあい多くの場合
  • 当てはまる
This is true in a large number of cases.
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. suitable time; good time
  • きみ
  • きゅうか休暇
  • とる
  • ころあい
  • ボス
  • ジム
  • 言った
"It's high time you took a vacation," Jim's boss said to him.
Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
2. propriety; moderation
Other forms
頃合い 【ころあい】
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. love passionately; ardent love; devotion
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. taking care of oneselfSee also ご自愛ください
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. self-love
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1. big match; big game; important match; important game
  • やきゅう野球
  • だいす大好き
  • おおしあい大試合
  • まず
  • みのが見逃した
  • こと
  • ない
I love baseball, and have hardly missed seeing any big games.
Other forms
大試合 【だいしあい】
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1. assurance; guaranteeSee also 請け合う
Other forms
受け合い 【うけあい】請合い 【うけあい】受合い 【うけあい】
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ともだち 友達付
1. friendly relations; social relations; social life
Other forms
友達づきあい 【ともだちづきあい】友だちづきあい 【ともだちづきあい】友だち付き合い 【ともだちづきあい】友だち付きあい 【ともだちづきあい】友達付きあい 【ともだちづきあい】
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Noun, Suru verb
1. fitting together (e.g. nuts and bolts); fit
Other forms
はめ合い 【はめあい】嵌め合い 【はめあい】嵌合 【かんごう】
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1. rising from a crouch to charge; initial charge; face-offSumo, See also 立ち会い, sometimes written 立ち会い
Wikipedia definition
2. Tachi-aiThe tachi-ai (立合い) is the initial charge between two sumo... Read more
Other forms
立合い 【たちあい】
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. homosexuality; homosexual love
Wikipedia definition
2. HomosexualityHomosexuality is romantic or sexual attraction or behavio... Read more
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1. cooperative; association; partnership
Wikipedia definition
2. CooperativeA cooperative ("coop"), co-operative ("co-op"), or coöper... Read more
Other forms
共同組合 【きょうどうくみあい】
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1. fraternity; friendship
Wikipedia definition
2. FraternityA fraternity is a brotherhood, although the term sometime... Read more
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1. association; socializing; socialising; fellowshipSee also 付き合い
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