
9 Replies ・ Started by tymac at 2022-01-01 22:35:44 UTC ・ Last reply by tymac at 2022-01-19 04:58:47 UTC

New Year Learning

Here I will organize some of the kanji I've gleaned through this website. Feel free to add some of your own too :)

出る - to exit, leave > でる
私達 - we > わたしたち
生まれる - to be born > うまれる
紙 - paper > かみ
授業[する] - lesson, class [to instruct, do teaching] > じゅぎょう
違[う] - to be incorrect, wrong, differ from usual >ちがう
車 - car > くるま
働[く] - to work > はたらく
きゅうり - cucumber
外国旅 - foreign travel > がいこくりょこう
州 - state, province > しゅう
大州 - continent > だいしゅう
地震 - earthquake > じしん
舞台 - stage, scene - ぶたい
曲 - composition/piece, melody (music w/ no words) > きょく

tymac at 2022-01-02 05:02:18 UTC

Here's day 2 of finding new vocab. I've found new phrases and words from Irodori and some other sources:

けっこう- sufficiently fine ("I'm fine" ~ "no thank you")
同じ - same, similar > おなじ
練習 - practice, training > れんしゅう
持[つ] - to hold, carry, take, possess > もつ
お持ちします - I'll bring it! (to you)
決める - to decide, choose > きめる
音符 - musical note > おんぷ
楽器-musical instrument > がっき
居酒屋 - izakaya > いざかや
店 - store > てん
台所 - kitchen > だいどころ
食券 - meal ticket > しょっけん
きれい - clean
古い - old > ふるい
とても - very

tymac at 2022-01-03 02:30:31 UTC

Day three, let's play some Pokemon! These words relate to those I need to play ポケットモンスター: ブリリアントダイヤモンド!
道路 - route, road/highway > どうろ
番道路 - route number > ばんどうろ
島 - island > しま
きのみ - berries (fruit from tree)
道具 - tool > どうぐ
回復 - recovery, restoration (item) > かいふく
大切 - important, crucial > たいせつ
大切なもの - special items > たいせつなもの
使う - use > つかう
戻れ - return > もどれ (from 戻[る] godan)
にげる - escape, flee
いれかえる - replace, shift, change places
みつけた - found
手 - hand > て
手に入れた - obtained > てにいれた
勝負 - game, match, contest > しょうぶ

tymac at 2022-01-04 16:07:32 UTC

Day four!!
こちら - this way, this one, here, us
こちらこそ - likewise, the pleasure is also mine (lit. it is I who should say so)
紹介する - to give a self introduction, to do a presentation > しょうかいする
第 - used for ordinal numbers (first, second, third), esp part/chapter #課

tymac at 2022-01-04 17:17:06 UTC

whoooops I didn't finish my first post so here's day 4 continued:
第 - first, second, third > だい
こちら - used to introduce someone
課 - lesson > か
お客さん - customer, guest, visitor > おきゃくさん
国籍 - nationality, citizenship > こくせき
古い - old > ふるい
庭 - garden > にわ
静か - quiet > しずか
居間 - living room > いま
きれい - tidy, clean

食べ物: ~
牛丼 - rice bowl with beef & veggies > ぎゅうどん
刺身 - sliced raw fish > さしみ
果物 - fruit > くだもの
牛乳 - milk > ぎゅうにゅう
みそ汁 - miso soup > みそしる
唐揚げ - deep-fried > からあげ
枝豆 - soybeans > えだまめ
焼き鳥 - grilled chix skewer > やきとり
焼魚 - grilled fish > やきざかな
おしぼり - wet hand towelette
食堂 - cafeteria > しょくどう

tymac at 2022-01-05 00:36:45 UTC

DAY 5 :D
働き - to work > はたらき
久しぶり - first in a while, long time no see > ひさしぶり
うるさい - noisy
静か - quiet > しずか
せまい - cramped
広い - spacious > ひろい
早い - early > はやい
遅い - late > おそい 
横 - beside > よこ
ありました - I have it, (found something we're looking for)
ちょうど - exactly (just)
だいたい - generally, around
なんとか - anyhow, somehow, something
もう - already
まだ - not yet, still, only
在 - present > ざい
不在 - absent > ふざい
遅刻 - late > ちこく
早動 - activity
窓 - window > まど

tymac at 2022-01-07 18:06:57 UTC

Day 6 will be words from Pokemon BDSP! ~ I picked ヒコザル for my starter, and caught ムックル too. I caught イワーク
to help with my fight against the first gym! ~
こうげき - Attack
ぼうぎょ - Defense
とくこう - Sp. Attack
とくぼう - Sp. Defense
すばやさ - Speed/Agility
ほのお - flame, blaze [FIRE type] [炎]
でんき - electric [ELECTRIC type] [電気]
ひこう - flying, flight, aviation [FLYING type] [飛行]
いわ - rock, boulder [ROCK type] [岩]
じめん - ground, earth's surface [GROUND type] [地面]

いわくだき - rock crushing
たいあたり - ramming tackle attack (fig. going all out)
でんこうせっか - instant speed atk. (quick attack)
つばさでうつ - winged strike (wing attack)
かげ - shadow, silhouette, figure, reflection, image [影]

ぶんしん - representations of oneself, other selves, alter ego [分身]
かげぶんしん - self-reflections (double team)
ひっかく - to scratch, to claw
みだれひっかき - disorder/disturbance clawing (fury swipes)
しめつける - tightly squeeze, press hard (Bind)
ひのこ - fire sparks (ember)

Matt_Zenuka at 2022-01-07 22:20:55 UTC


❌ 外国旅
⭕ 外国旅行

tymac at 2022-01-13 17:17:43 UTC


きずぐすり - potion, salve, ointment (POTION)
きず - wound, injury [傷]
どう - motion, movement [動]
どうぶつ - animal [動物]
きみ - you
くさ - grass [草]
ざる - monkey
やんちゃ - mischievous, naughty
せんこう - light flash, glint [閃光]
つぼみ - flower bud [蕾]
どく - poison [毒]
がんせき - rock [岩石]
へび - snake
あひる - duck
うみうし - sea slug - ウミウシ
西 - west - にし
うさぎ - rabbit, hare
ほし - star [星]
すな - sand [砂]
ぼうけん - adventure [冒険]

tymac at 2022-01-19 04:58:47 UTC

Here is day 8! :D
わらい - laughter [笑い]
さいあく- worst [最悪]
残念ながら - unfortunately, regrettably
げんきん - cash [現金]
れいぞうこ - fridge [冷蔵庫]
にじ - rainbow [虹]
飛ぶ - fly [とぶ]
お花見 - cherry blossom viewing picnic - おはなみ
き - tree [木]
すわる - to sit [座る]
あめ - rain [雨]
よやく- reservation [予約]
おまつり- festival [お祭り]
じょうず- good at, skilled [上手]
ひどい - cruel, severe, harsh

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