
3 Replies ・ Started by rchase at 2017-06-11 20:42:50 UTC ・ Last reply by jakobd2 at 2017-06-21 18:50:41 UTC
This is a discussion about 気まま

My jiten says it has a different meaning

My jiten says it has a different meaning。”思いのままにふるまううようす” I think it means to behave as expected or as felt.

jakobd2 at 2017-06-12 14:27:08 UTC

I think it's important to add "自分の" at the beginning of that definition. Does that make the meaning clearer?

Or check out the Daijirin definition, it's a bit more precise and explains the difference to わがまま:
他人に気兼ねなどせず自分の思ったとおりに行動する・こと(さま)。 「 -な生活」 「 -に暮らす」 「勝手-」 〔類義の語に「わがまま」があるが、「わがまま」は他人の迷惑もかえりみず、自分の考えや気持ちを押し通そうとするさまをいう。それに対して「きまま」は何の束縛も受けず自分の思い通りに振る舞うさまをいう〕

Considering this, I think the current definitions are fine. If you feel the need to improve on them, just click the "Edit in JMdict" link at the bottom to suggest something else.

The Wisdom Japanese-English dictionary includes the following example sentences:
live an easy [a carefree] life.
allow children to have their own way
let children do whatever they like.

rchase at 2017-06-20 22:41:22 UTC

From what I can gather kimama is not necessarily a bad thing, but also not good. Like for children or retired person kimama is ok. So I am thinking it is like "free spirited" (willful; wilful; selfish; selfishness; one's own way​) Are all negative thinking. So maybe "Behaving free spirited" would be more positive definition. "State of acting out ones thoughts"

jakobd2 at 2017-06-21 18:50:41 UTC

I've seen someone (probably you) has gone ahead and added that definition to JMdict. Great. The updated version should appear on Jisho.org after it has been approved soon, then.

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