
Full name
1. Narinagashinnou (Prince) (1326-1344)
Wikipedia definition
2. Prince Narinaga(1326 – 1338/1344) reigned from 1334 to 1338 and was one of two Seii Taishogun during the Kemmu Restoration. He was also Crown Prince in 1336 (one month). He was a son of the Emperor Go-Daigo and Fujiwara no Renshi (Ano Renshi) (藤原廉子/阿野廉子), daughter of Ano Kinkado. His brothers-uterine were Crown Prince Tsunenaga and Emperor Go-Murakami.
Read “Prince Narinaga” on English Wikipedia
Read “成良親王” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Prince Narinaga” on DBpedia


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