
1. corn crake; corncrake; land rail (Crex crex)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Corn CrakeThe Corn Crake, Corncrake or Landrail (Crex crex) is a bird in the rail family. It breeds in Europe and Asia as far east as western China, and migrates to Africa for the winter. It is a medium-sized crake with buff- or grey-streaked brownish-black upperparts, chestnut markings on the wings, and blue-grey underparts with rust-coloured and white bars on the flanks and undertail. The strong bill is flesh-toned, the iris is pale brown, and the legs and feet are pale grey.
Read “Corn Crake” on English Wikipedia
Read “ウズラクイナ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Corn Crake” on DBpedia
Other forms
鶉秧鶏 【うずらくいな】ウズラクイナ


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