
せんこう 蚊取線香
1. mosquito coil; anti-mosquito incense
Wikipedia definition
2. Mosquito coilMosquito coil is mosquito-repelling incense, usually shaped into a spiral, and typically made from a dried paste of pyrethrum powder. The coil is usually held at the center of the spiral, suspending it in the air, or wedged by two pieces of fireproof nettings to allow continuous smoldering. Burning usually begins at the outer end of the spiral and progresses slowly toward the centre of the spiral, producing a mosquito-repellent smoke.
Read “Mosquito coil” on English Wikipedia
Read “蚊取線香” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Mosquito coil” on DBpedia
Other forms
蚊取線香 【かとりせんこう】蚊とり線香 【かとりせんこう】蚊とりせんこう 【かとりせんこう】


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