
Suru verb, Transitive verb
1. to apply (the law) with necessary modifications; to apply mutatis mutandis; to apply correspondingly
  • ふくりこうせい福利厚生
  • にも
  • せいしゃいん正社員
  • の規定を準用し、健康診断をきちんと受けられるようになどしたほうが、結果的には
  • いりょうひふたんとう けいひせつげん医療費負担等
  • 、会社の
  • けいひせつげん経費節減
  • につながる。
It would be better to apply the same rules to the benefits of contract employees as to those of regular employees. For example, allow them to receive proper medical checkups, which would ultimately lead to cost savings for the company in terms of medical and other expenses.


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