
1. spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari)Usually written using kana alone
Wikipedia definition
2. Spotted eagle rayThe spotted eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) is a cartilaginous fish of the eagle ray family, Myliobatidae. It can be found globally in tropical regions, including the Gulf of Mexico, Hawaii, off the coast of West Africa, the Indian Ocean, Oceania, and on both coasts of the Americas at depths down to about 80 meters (262 ft). The rays are most commonly seen alone, but occasionally swim in groups.
Read “Spotted eagle ray” on English Wikipedia
Read “マダラトビエイ” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Spotted eagle ray” on DBpedia
Other forms
斑鳶えい 【まだらとびえい】斑鳶鱝 【まだらとびえい】斑鳶鱏 【まだらとびえい】マダラトビエイ


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