
まるやまごんもん 丸山権太左衛門
Full name
1. Maruyama Gondazaemon, 3rd sumo grand champion
Wikipedia definition
2. Maruyama GondazaemonMaruyama Gondazaemon (丸山 権太左衛門, December 23, 1713, Miyagi Prefecture – November 14, 1749) was a sumo wrestler. He is officially recognised as the third yokozuna (grand champion). His real name was Haga Gindayu . He came from a village in the Sendai Domain (part of what is now Miyagi Prefecture).
Read “Maruyama Gondazaemon” on English Wikipedia
Read “丸山権太左衛門” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Maruyama Gondazaemon” on DBpedia


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