
Particle, Conjunction
1. and the like; such as; among other things; and so onoft. as ...とか...とか
  • ほうちょう包丁
  • とか
  • なべ
  • とか
  • だいどころようひん台所用品
  • じさん持参
  • する
  • こと
Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Particle
2. or something; something like; a (certain)used to convey hearsay or uncertain information; oft. with 言う, 聞く, etc.
  • さん
  • とか
  • いう
  • ひと
  • めんかい面会
  • です
A Mr. Marconi wants to see you.
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Particle
3. I hear that ...; people say that...; rumour has it that ...at sentence end
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Particle
4. or something; something like; or whateverColloquial, used to make a statement vague or less absolute; usu. after a noun


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