
1. takoyaki; octopus dumplingsFood, cooking
Wikipedia definition
2. Takoyakiis a popular ball-shaped Japanese dumpling or more like a savory pancake made of batter and cooked in a special takoyaki pan (see below). It is typically filled with diced octopus, tempura scraps, pickled ginger, and green onion. Nowadays, it is commonly brushed with takoyaki sauce and mayonnaise, and topped with green laver and katsuobushi (shavings of dried bonito). There are many variations to the takoyaki recipe. For example, ponzu i.e.
Read “Takoyaki” on English Wikipedia
Read “たこ焼き” on Japanese Wikipedia
Read “Takoyaki” on DBpedia
Other forms
蛸焼き 【たこやき】
蛸焼き: Rarely-used kanji form.


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