

Words — 23 found

1. principle; aim; main purpose; central part; pillar
2. purport; gist; drift; meaningOnly applies to 旨
  • かのじょ彼女
  • から
  • けっこん結婚
  • できません
  • いう
  • むね
  • てがみ手紙
  • とど届いた
I received a letter from her to the effect that she couldn't accept my marriage proposal.
3. instructions; orders; intention; wishesOnly applies to 旨
Other forms
宗 【むね】
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. good(-tasting); nice; delicious; tastyUsually written using kana alone
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. attractive (offer, opportunity, etc.); appealing; convenient; favorable; desirable; profitableUsually written using kana alone
おいしい: Gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading).
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I-adjective (keiyoushi)
1. skillful; skilful; skilled; good; expert; clever (expression, trick, etc.); apt; appropriateUsually written using kana alone, esp. 上手い, 巧い
  • かのじょ彼女
  • テニス
  • うま上手い
  • すいえい水泳
  • へた下手
She's very good at tennis, but she's not much of a swimmer.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
2. delicious; tasty; good; niceUsually written using kana alone, esp. 旨い, 美味い, 甘い
  • あそこ
  • たべもの食べ物
  • うまい
  • ねだん値段
  • やす安い
  • ちのり地の利
  • わる悪い
  • なんてん難点
That place's food is great, and their prices are good, but the fly in the ointment is their terrible location.
I-adjective (keiyoushi)
3. good (deal, idea, etc.); profitable; promising; lucky; fortunate; successful; satisfactory; splendidUsually written using kana alone, esp. 旨い
  • それ
  • あまりにも
  • うま
  • すぎる
  • はなし
That's too good a story to be true.
Other forms
美味い 【うまい】旨い 【うまい】巧い 【うまい】甘い 【うまい】美い 【うまい】
美い: Rarely-used kanji form.
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Adverb (fukushi)
1. skilfully; skillfully; well; aptly; cleverlyUsually written using kana alone
  • わたし
  • かのじょ彼女
  • とりい取り入って
  • うまく
  • ひみつ秘密
  • ききだ聞き出した
I charmed a secret out of her.
Adverb (fukushi)
2. successfully; smoothlyUsually written using kana alone
  • われわれ我々
  • けいかく計画
  • うまく
  • すす進んでいる
Our plans are progressing smoothly.
Adverb (fukushi)
3. deliciouslyUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
旨く 【うまく】巧く 【うまく】甘く 【うまく】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. too-good-to-be-true offers (e.g. scams and frauds); too-good-to-be-true stories
Other forms
甘い話 【うまいはなし】旨い話 【うまいはなし】美味い話 【うまいはなし】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class
1. to get along well with; to make a go of itUsually written using kana alone
  • わたし私たち
  • うまくやっていける
  • おも思う
I think we can get along well.
Other forms
旨くやって行く 【うまくやっていく】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to manage something successfully; to be successfulUsually written using kana alone
  • おまえお前
  • なら
  • もっと
  • うまくやれる
I know you can make it better.
Other forms
巧くやる 【うまくやる】甘くやる 【うまくやる】
甘くやる: Irregular kanji usage.
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ちょうりょう 味調味料
1. flavour enhancer (e.g. monosodium glutamate); flavor enhancer
Wikipedia definition
2. Flavour enhancerFlavour enhancers are food additives commonly added to fo... Read more
Other forms
うまみ調味料 【うまみちょうみりょう】旨味調味料 【うまみちょうみりょう】旨み調味料 【うまみちょうみりょう】
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1. good flavor (flavour); good taste; deliciousness
2. umami (fifth category of taste in food)
3. skill; cleverness; charm; attractiveness
4. profit; gain; benefit; advantage
Wikipedia definition
5. UmamiUmami /uːˈmɑːmi/ is a savory taste which is one of the fi... Read more
Other forms
旨味 【うまみ】うま味 【うまみ】
旨味: Ateji (phonetic) reading. うま味: Ateji (phonetic) reading.
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1. tasty and spicy flavorFood, cooking, Colloquial
Other forms
うま辛 【うまから】ウマ辛 【うまから】旨から 【うまから】
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Noun
1. the lion's share; the cream
Other forms
旨い汁 【うまいしる】
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1. tasty salt flavour (flavor)Colloquial
Other forms
うま塩 【うまじお】旨塩 【うましお】旨塩 【うまじお】
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1. fish, meat, and vegetables stewed in a thick, sweet sauce of soy sauce, sugar and mirinFood, cooking
Other forms
甘煮 【うまに】甘煮 【あまに】
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1. high-grade sake; good sakeSee also 美酒 びしゅ
Other forms
旨酒 【うまざけ】味酒 【うまさけ】味酒 【うまざけ】旨酒 【ししゅ】味酒 【あじざけ】
ししゅ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage. あじざけ: Out-dated or obsolete kana usage.
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Adverb taking the 'to' particle
1. successfully; nicelyUsually written using kana alone
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
2. (yummy) food; yum-yumUsually written using kana alone, Children's language
Other forms
旨旨 【うまうま】ウマウマ
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Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb - Iku/Yuku special class
1. to go smoothly; to turn out well; to do the trick; to have peaceful relationsUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
旨く行く 【うまくいく】
旨く行く: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. tasty sauce; tasty dressing; umami sauceUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
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Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to relish; to show a liking for
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Kanji — 1 found

6 strokes. JLPT N1. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
delicious, relish, show a liking for, purport, will, clever, expert
Kun: むね うま.い
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Sentences — 58 found

  • jreibun/631/1
    • みち
    • を聞くために知らない
    • ひと
    • に話しかけたら、相手は
    • いぶか訝しげ
    • な顔で私を見た。
    When I talked to a stranger to ask for directions, he (she) gave me a puzzled look. Jreibun
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Names — 17 found

むねのり 【旨伯】
Given name, gender not specified
1. Munenori
しほ 【旨保】
Female given name
1. Shiho
むねあき 【旨冏】
Unclassified name
1. Muneaki
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