

Words — 163 found

1. small vessel or bowl in which sake cups are rinsedSee also 杯洗
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to reveal by washing the surface; to expose by washing away dirt, earth, etc.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to discover (by investigation); to bring to light; to find out; to dig up
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to start washing
Other forms
洗いだす 【あらいだす】
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1. exposure by washing away; washing out; washout
2. exposed aggregate (finish); exposed aggregate concrete
3. revealing the grain of cedar boards by washing and scrubbing
4. finding out (after an extensive search or investigation); discovery; seeking out; bringing to light
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Noun, Suru verb
1. washing (someone else's body); scrubbing each other
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. being baptized; undergoing baptismSee also 洗礼
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1. individually "washing" a partner's fingers or toes in one's vagina (esp. as a service at a soapland)Slang, See also ソープランド
Other forms
壺洗い 【つぼあらい】
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1. (in China) 5th note of the ancient chromatic scale (approx. F sharp)See also 下無, See also 十二律
2. third lunar month
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1. event where schoolchildren wash their inkstones, brushes and desks the night before Tanabata to pray for success in their studiesRare term, See also 七夕
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Noun, Suru verb
1. stretching pieces of a kimono on boards to dry after they have been washed and starched
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Noun, Suru verb
1. pickling; soaking a metal in an acidic solution to remove impurities
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Noun, Suru verb
1. preparing food (esp. fish) by rinsing it with vinegarFood, cooking
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おんすいせんじょうべん 温水洗浄便座
1. bidet toilet with a heated water function; warm-water washlet
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1. nasal irrigation; nasal lavage; nasal douche; rhinenchysis
Other forms
鼻洗浄 【びせんじょう】
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1. area for washing one's hands and face; washroom; bathroom
2. toiletSee also 便所
Other forms
手洗場 【てあらいば】
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