

Words — 123 found

1. pessimism due to decadent-age theoryYojijukugo (four character compound)
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1. fantastical idea; fanciful notion; bizarre thought
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1. economic ideology; (school of) economic thought
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Noun, Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
1. megalomania; delusions of grandeurYojijukugo (four character compound)
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おおさかこうそう 大阪都構想
1. Osaka Metropolis Plan; proposed change of Osaka Prefecture from an urban prefecture to a metropolitan prefecture (like Tokyo) which would result in the abolition of Osaka City
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2. Osaka Metropolis planThe Ōsaka Metropolis plan is a plan to transform Osaka Pr... Read more
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1. Juche (North Korean political ideology)
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2. JucheThe Juche Idea, sometimes spelled Chuch'e is a political ... Read more
Other forms
チュチェ思想 【チュチェしそう】主体思想 【しゅたいしそう】
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もうたくとうそう 毛沢東思想
1. Mao Zedong thought; Maoist thought; Maoism
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2. MaoismMaoism, also known as Mao Zedong Thought, is a political ... Read more
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1. persecutory delusion; delusion of pursuitPsychoanalysis
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1. faith in the power of language; belief that reality is affected by the spoken word; speaking of a lucky (or unlucky) event will bring it aboutSee also 言霊信仰
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