

Words — 78 found

Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to smash; to crush; to flatten
  • かれ
  • わたし私の
  • ぼうし帽子
  • ぺちゃんこ
  • つぶした
He squashed my hat flat.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to shut down; to put out of business; to force (a company) to close up shop
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
3. to wreck; to break; to block; to thwart
  • かれ
  • へいぜん平然と
  • とりひき取引
  • つぶしました
He sank the deal without batting an eyelash.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
4. to butcher; to slaughter; to kill (livestock, for food)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
5. to kill (time); to while away (the time); to use up (one's time)
  • かのじょ彼女
  • みせ
  • みてまわ見てまわって
  • いちじかん1時間
  • つぶした
She killed an hour looking around the stores.
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
6. to waste (e.g. talents)
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. collapse; crumbling; breaking down; caving in
  • チューダーちょうチューダー朝
  • 1603
  • ねん
  • ほうかい崩壊
  • した
The Tudor Dynasty fell in the year 1603.
Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
2. (radioactive) decay; disintegrationPhysics
Other forms
崩潰 【ほうかい】
崩潰: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. ulcerMedicine
Wikipedia definition
2. Ulcer (dermatology)An ulcer is a sore on the skin or a mucous membrane, acco... Read more
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to be crushed; to be squashed; to be smashed; to be destroyed; to be broken; to collapse
  • ゆき
  • おも
  • いえ
  • つぶれた
The house collapsed under the weight of snow.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
2. to go bankrupt; to go under; to fail; to collapse
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
3. to be ruined (of a plan); to be cancelled; to collapse (e.g. of a project); to fall through; to blow up
  • ちち
  • 亡くなって
  • わたし私の
  • りゅうがく留学
  • けいかく計画
  • かんぜん完全
  • つぶれた
My plan to study abroad went by the board when my father died.
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
4. to be lost (of one's voice, eyesight, sense of smell, etc.); to cease functioning
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
5. to be taken up (of one's time); to be lost; to be wasted
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
6. to be missed (of a chance); to be lost
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
7. to be lost (of face, composure, etc.); to broken down (e.g. of one's courage); to be broken (of one's heart)
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
8. to be worn down (of a pen nib, saw teeth, etc.); to wear away; to become dull
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
9. to get dead drunkSee also 飲みつぶれる
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. (complete) destruction; annihilation; devastation
Other forms
潰滅 【かいめつ】
潰滅: Rarely-used kanji form.
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1. killing time; keeping oneself occupied; time killer
2. wasting time; waste of time
Other forms
暇潰し 【ひまつぶし】
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Noun, Suru verb, Intransitive verb
1. destruction; collapse; crumbling
Other forms
倒潰 【とうかい】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to squash; to crush; to flatten
Other forms
押し潰す 【おしつぶす】圧し潰す 【おしつぶす】押潰す 【おしつぶす】圧潰す 【おしつぶす】圧しつぶす 【おしつぶす】
押潰す: Irregular okurigana usage. 圧潰す: Irregular okurigana usage.
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Noun, Suru verb, Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
1. burst (e.g. dam, embankment, levee); breach; collapse; washout; rupture
Other forms
決潰 【けっかい】
決潰: Rarely-used kanji form.
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かん 時間
1. killing time; keeping oneself occupiedSee also 暇つぶし
2. wasting time; waste of time
Other forms
時間潰し 【じかんつぶし】
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to drink oneself dead drunk; to drink oneself unconscious
Other forms
酔い潰れる 【よいつぶれる】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to eat oneself out of house and home; to eat up completely
Other forms
食い潰す 【くいつぶす】
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1. sand, ash, etc., thrown in the eyes to blind someone; throwing something at someone's eyes to blind them
2. eye poke (in combat sports); eye-gougingSee also サミング
  • かる軽く
  • なら
  • いい
  • けど
  • 」「
  • うむ
  • では
  • きんてき金的
  • めつぶ目潰し
  • ゆうこう有効
  • する
  • ?」
"If it's a light workout, OK." "Right, so will we allow crotch-kicking and eyeball crushing?"
Other forms
目つぶし 【めつぶし】
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1. complete ruin; collapse
2. losing (something) completely (e.g. face)
Other forms
丸潰れ 【まるつぶれ】
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にがむしつぶ 苦虫
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. sour (expression); as if having swallowed a bitter bugIdiomatic expression, See also 苦虫
Other forms
苦虫をかみつぶしたよう 【にがむしをかみつぶしたよう】苦虫を噛みつぶしたよう 【にがむしをかみつぶしたよう】苦虫を噛み潰した様 【にがむしをかみつぶしたよう】
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1. very thorough search (for contraband, escaped convict, etc.); fine-tooth-comb search; exhaustive search; scouringUsually written using kana alone
Other forms
しらみ潰し 【しらみつぶし】蝨潰し 【しらみつぶし】
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Na-adjective (keiyodoshi)
1. devastating; catastrophic; crushing
Other forms
潰滅的 【かいめつてき】
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Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
1. to be used up (of money, savings, etc.); to dwindle away
Ichidan verb, Intransitive verb
2. to be wasted (of time)
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to crush (with one's hands)
Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
2. to kill a proposal; to shelve; to table (remove from consideration); to pigeonhole; to smother
Other forms
握り潰す 【にぎりつぶす】
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Godan verb with 'su' ending, Transitive verb
1. to trample; to crush underfoot
Other forms
踏みつぶす 【ふみつぶす】
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Kanji — 1 found

15 strokes. Jōyō kanji, taught in junior high.
crush, smash, break, dissipate
On: カイ
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