

Words — 131 found

1. hurrah!; long life; congratulations; full vent
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1. 10000 fathoms; great depth; great height
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万仞 【ばんじん】
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1. bottomless ravine; abyss
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万仞の谷 【ばんじんのたに】
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1. international exposition; world expo; world fairAbbreviation, See also 万国博覧会
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1. unbroken imperial lineYojijukugo (four character compound)
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ばんぱくねんこうえん 万博記念公園
1. Banpakukinen Park
Wikipedia definition
2. Expo Commemoration ParkExpo Commemoration Park or Expo '70 Commemorative Park is... Read more
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1. longevity
Wikipedia definition
2. Manju (era)Manju was a Japanese era name after Jian and before Chōge... Read more
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1. Mangyongbong-92, a mixed passenger-cargo ferry running between Wonsan in North Korea and Niigata
Wikipedia definition
2. Mangyongbong-92The Mangyongbong-92, named after a hill near Pyongyang, i... Read more
Other forms
万景峰号 【ばんけほうごう】万景峰号 【まんけいほうごう】
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1. Mangyongbong-92 (mixed passenger-cargo ferry running between Wonsan in North Korea and Niigata)Service
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ばんかんむねせま 万感胸
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'ru' ending
1. to be filled with thousand emotions; to be overwhelmed by a flood of emotions; to be wrought by a thousand emotions
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ばんぜん 万全
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Godan verb with 'su' ending
1. to make absolutely sure (that all is right); to use every means; to take all possible measures
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ばんなんはい 万難
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)
1. at all costs; at any cost; surmounting all difficulties
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ばんさく 万策尽
Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.), Ichidan verb
1. to exhaust all possible means; to come to the end of one's resources; to reach the end of one's tether; to be at one's wits' end; to play one's last card
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ばんのう 万能
1. all-purpose knife (e.g. Swiss Army knife); utility knife
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