
1 Reply ・ Started by JSnow at 2021-05-19 03:39:06 UTC ・ Last reply by Poonam120 at 2021-05-26 06:01:05 UTC
This is a discussion about どう致しまして

What is the informal version of this?

I'm guessing this is extremely polite, so how would I get the same meaning of ’don't mention it’ while talking with a friend? Thanks for any feedback feedback : )

Leebo at 2021-05-19 03:45:53 UTC

Just a "yes" or "no" of varying casualness is the most common way for friends to respond to a thank you.

はい or うん basically just acknowledging it (Think something like "Thanks" "Yup")
いいえ or いえいえ like you were imagining, something like "you don't need to thank me".

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