
1 Reply ・ Started by Samzito at 2018-06-10 22:27:30 UTC ・ Last reply by jakobd2 at 2018-06-11 14:56:21 UTC
This is a discussion about 若道

The translation/definition of 若道

Why is pederasty part of the definition. Pedaphiles are not part of the lgbt community and homosexual people are not pedaphiles. Can it please be changed out of the translation because I feel like it give the meaning of gay people are pedaphiles which is NOT true.

jakobd2 at 2018-06-11 14:56:21 UTC

Well according to https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/衆道 it's a different word for 若衆道. That would make it a sexual relationship between a male adult samurai and a young boy disciple. This word is probably not in use in reference to the LGBT community of today. You can of course go ahead and suggest a different definition in the JMdict database that is more precise.

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