
2 Replies ・ Started by Sanchez at 2015-10-23 02:09:51 UTC ・ Last reply by meilight at 2015-10-24 04:37:49 UTC
This is a discussion about 日本語

Not very good....?

I've been wondering how to say "my japanese is not very good" in Japanese. I feel like the way I'm saying it now is not correct, which is ironic (maybe), but still doesn't help me. Whats the proper phrase to use to describe not speaking well?

Koramor at 2015-10-23 15:37:53 UTC

depends on how literal of a translation you are looking for. what james gave you means "I am bad at japanese".
I am not sure how "natural" this sounds, but a better translation would be: 私(わたし)の日本語(にほんご)はよくないです。Or, "My Japanese is not good".

meilight at 2015-10-24 04:37:49 UTC

can someone please help me to translate these sentences into English?
請負者とは、一般的には建設会社のことであるが、国際建設プロジェクトでは商社が請負者(元請)になり建設会社が商社の下請になる場合もある。請負者は代理人(CONTRACTOR’S REPRESENTATIVE)を任命し請負者の権限を与えなければならない。一般に日本で言う現場代理人で現場所長のことを言う。
Please give special attention to usage of 言う in this context. thank you.

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