
4 Replies ・ Started by Willow at 2015-08-22 16:39:00 UTC ・ Last reply by Willow at 2015-08-30 11:07:08 UTC

Mejirooshi (目白押し)

Hello, I'm a native Japanese speaker studying English. Recently, I posted about 目白押し on Lang-8, which is a language exchange website. An american friend of mine pointed out that its definition in jisho.org does not include the common meaning I wrote. He recommended that I post my article here, and I decided to try it:

It is said that white-eyes are often perched close together on the branch of a tree. Japanese people occasionally use the idiomatic adjective "Mejirooshi (目白押し)". Nowadays, this mainly expresses the idea that something is full to the limit by a lot of preferable products, topics, or activities. Here are some common example sentences I can think of:

1 この夏、話題のハリウッド映画が目白押しだ : This summer is chock-full of hyped American movies.

2 今年の高校野球は、注目選手が目白押しだ : The Japanese high-school baseball is chock-full of remarkable players this year.

3 ヨーロッパには、魅力的な世界遺産が目白押しだ : Europe is chock-full of prominent world heritage

It's a useful phrase, right? Inexplicably, I couldn't find pictures which is chock-full of white-eyes in nature on the Internet. So I will introduce you to some pleasant pictures of it in birdcages:
They are being rehabilitated because of an injury. Sadly enough, they are easily caught by hunters because white-eyes are unsuspecting compared to other birds. Conversely, we can enjoy their dancing and singing just outside the window thanks to their affability.

Incidentally, 目白押し will be translated into English "pushed together like white eyes" literally. So, "Jostling" and "milling about," both translation seem some part of an original meaning like the pictures. The frequent phrase 「目白押しの群集」 in a dictionary is becoming old-fashioned.

Sorry for my long story, and thank you for reading.

Willow at 2015-08-22 16:46:08 UTC

あああ、意図せずに、一部の文字が大きくなってしまいました! 読みにくくてすみません。(#1 って書いたのが、文字サイズ変更の命令だったのでしょうか・・・)

Kimtaro Admin at 2015-08-26 00:31:00 UTC

@Willow, thank you for suggesting this! I agree that it seems like the definition can be expanded to include this sense. I have suggested adding the sense of "packed with" to the entry at the source database: http://www.edrdg.org/jmdictdb/cgi-bin/entr.py?e=1920371&svc=jmdict&sid=

Kimtaro Admin at 2015-08-27 09:50:16 UTC

The proposed changes have been added to JMdict and will make their way into Jisho in the next few days.

@Willow ありがとうございます!


Willow at 2015-08-30 11:07:08 UTC

@Kimtaro どういたしまして!^
I'm glad I could help.

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